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EJ-313 is based on highly purified hexafluorobenzene. Because it is almost free from hydrogen, it is relatively insensitive to fast neutrons, making EJ-313 useful for gamma ray detection in a fast neutron flux.1 According to Jupiter and Parez2 the ratio of the relative gamma ray response to neutron responses for EJ-313 compared to a xylene-based liquid scintillator is 14.5 for 2.6 MeV neutrons and 8.5 for 1 MeV neutrons. Ewen and Gonsior3 found that the gamma ray and neutron efficiencies of this hydrogen-free scintillator to be 25% and 0.4% respectively, relative to those of a NaI(Tl) detector.


Light Output (% Anthracene) 20
Scintillation Efficiency (photons/1 MeV e-)
Wavelength of Maximum Emission (nm) 425
Decay Time, Short Component (ns) ~ 3
Bulk Light Attenuation Length (m) >1
Specific Gravity 1.619
Refractive Index 1.38
Flash Point (°C) 10
Boiling Point (°C at 1 atm) 80
No. of F Atoms per cm3 (x1022)
No. of H Atoms per cm3 (x1020) 1.02
No. of C Atoms per cm3 (x1022) 3.15
No. of Electrons per cm3 (x1023) 4.72


EJ-313 Emission Spectrum


1. S. Homma & S. Takemoto, Rev. Sci. Instr. 32, No. 9, 1055 (Sept. 1961).
2. C. P. Jupiter & J. Parez, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-13, (1) 692-703 (1966).
3. K. Ewen & B. Gonsior, Nucl. Instr. & Meth., 99, 573-578 (1972).